Family Dispute Solutions

قال رسول الله (ص): “أبغض الحلال عند الله الطلاق “

The Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): “One of the most hated permissible action in Divine Law is divorce”

To Apply for Family Dispute


1) Fill the following forms, and attach copies of the necessary documents,
2) Appointments are given upon completion and approval of the received forms and copies of the documents.
3) To follow up, you can call 0207 604 5500.
4) Bring original documents on the day of appointment.

Divorce Application Form

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Your Address
Your Spouse Address

Employer or any other contact detail

Your Employer's Address
Your Spouse Employer's Address

About Mahr (Dowry)

About Your Children

Do you have any children?
If YES, how many boys and girls:

Reason for Divorce


Would you consider reconciliation? If Yes please state so and if no please give reason:

Have you contacted any other religious Centres?

Please give their names, addresses and contact numbers:
Address of the centre

Lady's Section

For divorce purposes we need to know the number of days and the dates of your monthly period:

Supporting documents

The following documents are required to be uploaded: 1- Birth certificates (Full/All Pages) 2- The passports (ID page only) 3- Islamic Marriage Certificate 4- (British Legal Divorce: Absolute Decree) 5- (The power of attorney for the divorce is to be signed in our presence)
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 50 files.
The maximum size of the files is 2MB.

For office use only