Islamic Centre of England
New Trustee Member Application Form

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To apply for the position of ICEL trustee member, please complete the application form below:

A: Basic Requirements of the Trustees

  • Be a practicing Shia Ithna Ashari Muslim.
  • Believe in the principles of Ijtihad and the role of Mujtahid (jurist consults), who provide authoritative rulings on Islamic law.
  • Possess familiarity with Islamic culture and communities in the United Kingdom.
  • Demonstrate the ability to engage positively with the diverse strands of Shia Islam in the UK.
  • Have a minimum of 10 years of relevant community service experience.
  • Exhibit fluency in the English language.
  • Hold the right to reside in the United Kingdom.
  • Maintain no official role with any political party.
  • If applying on the basis that you are a religious scholar:
    • Provide written confirmation from at least one recognized religious authority (Marja).
    • Possess at least a master's degree or an equivalent seminary qualification.
    • Show a minimum of 10 years of experience in religious and Islamic activities.
  • Agree to abide by the Articles, rules established under the Articles (including those outlined in this document), and the laws and regulations of the United Kingdom, as well as relevant Charity Commission guidance.
  • Be at least 18 years old.
  • Be eligible to act as a charity trustee.