UK and Ireland
Quran Recitation
Age 5-9: Correct and Beautiful Recitation of the last 15 Suras of the Holy Quran (From Sura Teen onward)
Age 10-15: Correct and Beautiful Reci15tion of the Last 20 Suras of the Holy Quran (From Sura Borooj onward)
The holy Quran
"O my Lord! Grant me
from You, a progeny that is pure
Quran Memorisation
Age 5-9: Memorising the last 15 Suras of the Holy Quran (From Sura Teen onward)
Age 10-15: Memorising the last 20 Suras of the Holy Quran (From Sura Borooj onward)
The holy quran
"Our Lord! Grant to us from our wives and progenies the comfort of our eyes..."
Quranic Concepts
Age 5-9: Testing the Knowledge of the Competitors on Tafseer of 10 chosen verses by themselves out of 30 verses given to them
Age 10-15:Testing the Knowledge of the Competitors on Tafseer of 20 chosen verses by themselves out of 30 verses given to them
the holy quran
GOD is Great
Quranic Drawing
Drawing a Picture of the Message(s) in one of the 30 Given Verses Based on the Meaning and Tafseer Given to the Competitors in 2 Different Age Groups of 5-9 & 11-15
the holy quran
God has created everything
For Kids & Teens
UK & Ireland
Quranic Competition
What you need to know
About Quran Competition 2023