A Place for Worship and Guidance


The Tebyan School of the Islamic Centre of England

And we have sent down to you the Book as clarification for all things and as guidance and mercy and good tidings for the Muslims.”


﴿ وَيَوْمَ نَبْعَثُ فِي كُلِّ أُمَّةٍ شَهِيدًا عَلَيْهِم مِّنْ أَنفُسِهِمْ ۖ وَجِئْنَا بِكَ شَهِيدًا عَلَىٰ هَٰؤُلَاءِ ۚ وَنَزَّلْنَا عَلَيْكَ الْكِتَابَ تِبْيَانًا لِّكُلِّ شَيْءٍ وَهُدًى وَرَحْمَةً وَبُشْرَىٰ لِلْمُسْلِمِينَ ﴾

(سوره  النحل – 89)

The Tebyan School of the Islamic Centre of England Since 1998,

The Islamic Centre of England has been providing Quran education classes for all ages from teenagers to adults in the Muslim community since 1998. In 2018, after an organizational restructuring of the Islamic Centre, the educational institution was named Tebyan (previously named Dar Al–Quran), which currently offers in-person classes for residents in London only.

At present, there are 230 students in the age groups of 5 to 15 years.

Refer below to the basics of Tebyan School through a list of contents. In each of these paragraphs, we will make a brief statement, and through these points, the reader will find a comprehensive description of the school (the facilitated Quranic project) that we present to all our children who wish to join it in person.

This explanation is provided for those wishing to learn about the various matters related to the Tebyan School associated with the Islamic Centre of England; such as the school’s operation, its regulations, and its ambitions for the better. Therefore, we hope that all of you will inform us with your comments and suggestions, in order to improve this school and bring it to advanced ranks in scientific, educational, and ethical giving.

We welcome all passionate learners to the Tebyan School for learning of the Holy Quran, the Arabic language, and religious studies.  Tebyan school provides constant supervision and care as well as teaching children how to show love, peace, and creativity.

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) is our role model; as mentioned in the holy Quran: “There has certainly been for you in them an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day. And whoever turns away – then indeed, Allah is the Free of need, the Praiseworthy.”[60:6]

School’s core values:

Tebyan school’s core values are as following:

Each of these 5 core values are briefed in the below:

  • Authentic learning

Learning at Tebyan School should be designed and facilitated using authentic resources.

  • Personalised learning

One size does not fit all. We should try to identify and address each student’s specific needs and preferences while they are learning at Tebyan School.

  • Joyful learning

Children learn when they enjoy it. Therefore, all learning activities in Tebyan School should have gaming and joyful components which make students’ learning as interesting as possible.

  • Good and effective citizenship learning

Tebyan trains students to be good and effective citizens in their society and local communities. They will be trained with high moral values and social responsibility.

  • Accountability

The accountability for a student’s learning and growth should remain with both the student and their parents or guardians. Tebyan could facilitate students’ growth and development when they are intrinsically motivated to do so..  



The Principal

The principal supervises and directs the school, follows up on his assistants and supports their executive activities. He will develop sectional work plans and follow them up until fulfilled, as well as through frequent and continuous meetings with the administrative and educational staff.

The assistant

Organises classes into age groups and assigns for each class their teacher, the number of students and their names. Also monitors classroom and outdoor activities. Communicates with parents, follows up on everything related to students’ affairs, and presents details of these matters to the administration in order to take new recommendations.

Technical assistant

There is an online teaching programme (via social network) that allows direct communication of teachers with the students through systems that are agreed upon in the administration and with parents. The technical assistant carefully follows the electronic work of these figurative and virtual classes, by taking the recommendations of the administration office.

Administration office

It includes the principal, the assistant and the technical assistant; meetings are held weekly to address the suggestions and recommendations of the senior management of the Islamic Centre, in addition to the recommendations of teachers to find solutions to the problems they face during work. The administration office carefully monitors the curricula and the requirements for purchasing books and stationery. There are written records of the meetings held by the administration office.

The educational and scientific goals of the school:

The name of our school is chosen based on the verse in the holy Quran “And We have sent down to you the Book as clarification for all things and as guidance and mercy and good tidings for the Muslims.”[16:89]. 

The school expanded on that meaning and invoked it in its curriculum and teaching methods. In addition to knowledge, we also focus on building Islamic morals and values both inside and outside of the school in order to reflect our image in the society. The school seeks to convey various Islamic, religious and ethical teachings in easy, simplified and interesting ways to its students.

More attention was paid to the subjects of reading and memorisation, as well as facilitating interpretation of the words of the Quranic verses and the reasons for their revelation. On the other hand, the school is always concerned with reviving religious occasions to improve the moral and spiritual level of its students, in addition to having prayer together on Saturday and Sunday.

School location, days and school hours

The school uses some of the rooms and halls of the Islamic Centre as classrooms in the morning and evening on Saturday and Sunday every week. So these places are completely at the disposal of the school. The Centre’s location is distinguished by its proximity to the majority of students and educational staff affiliated with it. The design of its construction as a mosque and an Islamic center gives students a spiritual dimension and character that they do not find in many other public schools, especially if this coincides with the daily prayers and the revival of religious events. The Islamic Centre is located in one of the famous neighbourhoods in London. The school hours have been divided into two days, to accommodate the largest number of students who wish to register and to make space for the remaining registrants on the waiting list.


It has classes for all stages, starting with the first stage and ending with the seventh; it is accommodated for both genders (boys and girls). This takes place over a period of 5 hours and a half, starting at 10 am in the morning and ending at 15:30 pm in the afternoon, during which they study Quran and Islamic studies. The lessons include the noon prayers, and an opportunity to have a short break. As for the afternoons, Arabic language classes are organised over a period of two hours (from 13:30 to 15:30), for all the above-mentioned stages.


It has classes for all stages, starting with the first stage and ending with the seventh; it is accommodated for both genders (boys and girls). This takes place over a period of 4 hours, starting at 10 am in the morning and ending at 14:00 pm in the afternoon, during which they study Quran and Islamic studies. The lessons include the noon prayers, and an opportunity to have a short break.

The Arabic language for applicants

The Islamic Centre and the Tebyan school are interested in strengthening students in their academic studies in public schools, in order for them to contribute and to improve their educational level. These lessons are held on Saturday afternoons. 

Educational staff

The teaching staff is made up of the staff at the Tebyan School, on Saturdays and Sundays for all subjects. The staff holds periodic meetings in the presence of the head of school. During the meeting, challenges facing the educational process in the school are discussed. After the school administration listens to the teachers’ remarks, it then holds a special meeting for it to set further plans, instructions, and practical applications.

Controls and conditions for registering at the school

There are a number of procedures and controls that must be observed before and during registration of students, including:

      • The age of the student wishing to join the school should not be less than five years.
      • Parents pledge to support and encourage the student at home to carry out their school duties.
      • The administration determines the educational stage of the student based on a careful examination of their educational level.
      • Parents undertake to bring their students to study regularly and it is not permissible to be absent without an excuse.
      • You must fill out the registration form for Tebyan School, sign it, and attach the required documents.
      • Parents undertake to pay the required fees at the time specified by the school administration.


The Tebyan School curriculum is divided into three sections:

  • Teaching the Holy Quran which includes:
    • Unscramble and join characters.
    • Reading and reciting the Quran.
    • Memorising some surahs and verses.
    • Brief interpretation and some Quranic stories.
  • Teaching Islamic studies which includes:
    • Morals (Akhlaq).
  • Teaching the Arabic language through a carefully selected curriculum, which includes some printed books and some activities that have been reproduced on paper, for all seven stages.

Important note: The books and activities delivered to students are also included in the fees paid for registration, so there are no additional fees for that. They deal with books and activities for all stages, with the difference that they are simplified in the first stages, and then go into depth in further stages.

Methods of teaching, assessment and examinations

Classroom discussion

The school does not depend on the traditional method of teaching. Rather, the teacher practices the method of dialogue and discussion with students in the classroom, to be familiar with the students’ ability. These classroom discussions facilitate students’ peer learning and cooperative learning.

Variety of continuous assessment methods

The ultimate aim of formative continuous assessment is called as ‘Assessment for learning’. Instead of implementing an end of the semester unforeseen exam, Tebyan tends to implement gradual continuous assessment items throughout the semester. These assessment are being held through different mediums such as; essays, drawings, role plays, quizzes, mind-maps, infographics, and discussion forums.

The students are given weekly homework; their grades are evaluated according to their performance, and participation during class as well as mock exams and other assessments. The teachers monitor the behaviour of the student together with the administration and parents to ensure their conformity with the ethical teachings they learn at school.

Continuous evaluation of the curriculum

The school administration continuously evaluates the curriculum and usually does so in detail before the start of the new school year. This is to ensure that the student receives the educational lessons needed in their scientific and practical life.

Health and safety

The Islamic Centre is observing the legal foundations for health and safety issues, in order to preserve the safety of its students and staff. The school, in turn, takes into account all health controls and safety checks.

Amongst these regulations that are observed in the various aspects of the Centre and the Tebyan School:

First Aid: There is a small mobile pharmacy to treat emergency accidents for all that are required in first aid cases. However, if there are cases that require the presence of parents to take the child to the hospital or direct contact with ambulance, the school does not hesitate to do so. Fire extinguishers: These extinguishers are available to fight any emergency fire in the building of the Islamic Centre, and there is a team trained on how to use it and evacuate the building when necessary through the information department in the centre.

Emergency doors: There are exit doors in emergency situations. Signs have spread on the walls indicating their locations and directions to reach them easily without obstacles. Meeting point: In the event of any fire God forbid, there is a safe gathering point that the administrative and educational staff know, and they have been trained to guide students to it when needed.

Non-smoking: Smoking is not permitted in the buildings of the Islamic Centre at all, there are paintings on which various walls have been decorated indicating the seriousness of adherence to this important matter. The school educates its students on this, by stating its risks to the individual and their health. There are many smoke alarms spread across the school floors and rooms. Reporting accidents: Accidents here refer to the basic cases that the building of the school may be exposed to, so the information department at the centre will inform the centre’s administration or the relevant official authorities, such as (ambulance, fire fighting, and police) if necessary.

Study activities and events

As we mentioned above, concerning teaching methods, the school does not depend on the traditional way of teaching. There are additional activities to highlight the students’ talents and develop their skills. Based on that:

Competition, Nasheeds and acts:   The school administration carries out all these activities for students. Therefore, many of them have gained the courage to stand in front of the public and play various theatrical roles and activities.

The Takleef ceremony: It is the Tebyan School’s custom to hold a joyful ceremony for girls who have reached the age of takleef (age of 9), in which they start to wear the Hijab and dress modestly.

Creativity: The school also holds an art studio to highlight children’s artistic talents, and the administration displays the best of these paintings on a blackboard called (Star Painting).

Hadith of the month: It is an intellectual activity carried out by the school administration monthly, to create a suitable educational and cultural awareness among its students and its members. The school hosts the speakers’ personalities from outside the school and from the centre, and sometimes the staff themselves. They deal with various topics of life and society to improve their abilities in facing daily challenges.

Mini shop: managed by the students themselves to sell packaged food to the rest of the school students. Despite its limitations, it has registered an appropriate rent, which is used in some of the school’s expenses and buying some gifts and prizes for students. External trips: The Tebyan School administration has set up many external activities, in which recreational games, cultural and sports competitions are held to stimulate the spirit of competition among students.

Ways of communicating with parents/guardians: There are many ways to communicate with them, such as through: Phone call: Parents of the students must provide the school with their phone numbers. Home address: The school may communicate with the student and their parents via their residence’s postal address.  E-mail: Through the E-mail of students or their parents.  Social media: Such as WhatsApp group associated with the school. It is evident that teachers have an active role in creating a link between the administration and the students’ parents. The teachers must discuss students’ conditions with parents in coordination with the administration.

Ways to support the school: Given that the school is associated with the Islamic Centre and is licensed as an Islamic charitable organisation, the school is therefore entitled to: Accepting cash donations: by parents of students. Receipt will be given after payment. Annual fees: It is considered as a kind of mandatory support that is taken from the students’ parents for the school in exchange for the educational services that the school provides to their children. Supporting the school administration of the centre: The administration of the centre provides extensive services to the school, including space, financial support, logistical support, and everything that can facilitate the educational process.

Extra-curricular activities

A range of extra-curricular activities are being designed and implemented during the school year. The main targets of these extra-curricula activities are as following:

  • To make students’ learning opportunities as joyful and interesting as possible.
  • To provide informal learning opportunities for students.
  • To teach students with a range of soft and transversal skills such as: communication, persuasion, management, critical thinking, and creativity.
  • To facilitate students’ experiential learning (Learning by doing).
  • To improve students’ commitment and engagement with their school activities.

These extra-curricular activities contain a range of events such as: competitions, school tours, fun days, developmental challenges, peer-teaching opportunities, etc.

Academic stages, results and certificates

The Tebyan School depends on age and cognitive division in its seven educational stages (G1- G7). The transition from one stage to another will take place with the passage of an academic year. At the end of each year, the student is given the results of their educational attainment and punctuality, as well as a certificate showing that they passed the stage in which they were in.

Disciplinary procedures and methods of objection and appeal: In the event of the need to issue a directive or disciplinary decisions for the student if they violate the school system and decisions, the school may resort to penal and disciplinary measures to reduce their occurrence or recurrence, including the following:

  • Bringing the student to the administration office to question and listen to them.
  • Inform their family about school concerns and ask them to pledge that their child will not repeat the mistake.
  • The administration may suspend the student’s attendance from school for a week or more, depending on the reason for the violation.
  • In worst cases, the student may be permanently dismissed and the fees paid will not be returned. In return, there is a tribute to the students who perform their duties well and respect the school regulations.

Risk management

Working with children always need further attention and careful consideration. Tebyan has approved its careful attention to students’ safety and wellbeing over the last 20 years. Table below shows the potential risks around the activities of Tebyan school and how we do our best to mitigate them.

Potential risk                  Risk mitigation strategy
Parents could be disconnected to their children education at the school 1-     Parents meetings are being held regularly at the school and they will be briefed about all the activities at the school and how they could contribute in improving their children learning and wellbeing.

2-     School send updates to parents on their children learning and activity status at the school.

Violation of the school’s regulations by students 1-     Both students and their parents are being briefed about the school’s code of conduct at the beginning of each semester.

2-     Disciplinary actions are designed and implemented as a prohibiting strategy for avoiding unacceptable behaviour by students

3-     There are CCTV cameras on the public grounds of the Centre.

Students’ physical injuries in the school premises 1-     The first aid box is available in the school and all staff have been trained on how to use it.

2-     The contact numbers of the local medical centres and emergency department are available and school staff knows how to use them in an emergency event.

3-     The school premises are insured and covered in the case of a student injury.

4-     Parents are instructed to require their children to behave well in the school and respect the school’s regulations and code of conduct.

Voluntary services: The school administration accepts volunteers, in order to earn good deeds (hasanat), and to encourage society to do volunteer work. However, this is done within controls and conditions, such as those conditions that apply to official employees. In order to register for this, there is a form that must be filled out and an application submitted to and considered by the administration. The priority is for the most qualified and the first to be registered in the waiting list. The volunteer is rewarded with certificates of appreciation issued by the school, and the volunteer is also provided with experience certificates that he can be added as additional positive points in their CV. Every volunteer to work at the centre’s school has priority to be hired in the event of a vacancy. Training and qualifications of promising educational staff: The school relies on employing experienced and competent educational staff, yet it provides them with training and qualification courses from time to time, to ensure that they are kept up-to-date of the latest developments in the field of education. This does not only concern employees, but includes volunteers as well.

Students’ physical injuries while they attend the school’s extra-curricular activities outside the school 1-     Parents’ consents are being obtained before each extra-curricular activity.

2-     Extra insurance is being taken for covering students while they are on those activities outside the school premises.

3-     School teachers and staff accompany students in those activities and have been trained how to respond to an emergency event.

4-     Parents are instructed to require their children to behave well and respect the health and safety procedures while they are on the school’s extra-curricular activities.

Ineffective teaching / assessment strategies 1-     Teaching / assessment strategies of the school are being reviewed regularly by the school administration and teachers.

2-     Teachers’ training sessions are being held helping teachers to update their teaching knowledge and expertise.

3-     Regular feedback is received from the parents about the effectiveness of the teachers’ teaching / assessment practice.

Teachers’ non-compliance with the school regulations 1-     Teachers have been carefully chosen based on their ethical and professional experience and competencies.

2-     Teachers have been briefed about the school’s code of conduct and policies.

3-     A handbook is developed for the school, covering all details about the school’s procedures and regulations.

4-     Teachers’ performance have been monitored by the school’s administration team.

5-     Regular feedbacks are being taken from the parents about the teachers’ performance.

Saturday timetable

Items GR6 GR5 GR4 GR3.B GR3.A GR2 .B GR2.A GR1 Time



Tajweed Tajweed Tajweed Islamic study Recitation Islamic study Alphabet Alphabet 10:0010:55
Recitation Islamic study Recitation Syllable the words Islamic Study Alphabet Memorisation Islamic Study 11:0011:50
Break Time    11:50-12:10
Islamic study Recitation Islamic study Recitation Syllable the words Memorisation Islamic study Memorisation 12:1013:10
Prayer Time   13:10- 13:30
Melody & Art Melody & Art Melody & Art Melody & Art Melody & Art Melody & Art Melody & Art Melody & Art 13:30-14:30
Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic 14:30-15:30

Sunday Timetable

Items GR5 GR4 GR3 GR2 GR1 Time
Quranic Lessons Recitation Islamic studies Recitation Alphabet Alphabet 10:00-10:55
Tajweed Tajweed Islamic study Islamic study Islamic study 11:00-11:50
Break Time     11:50-12:10
Islamic study Recitation Syllable the words Memorisation Memorisation 12:10-13:10
Prayer Time    13:10-13:30
Melody & Art Melody & Art Melody & Art Melody & Art Melody & Art 13:30-14:30

Contact Us


Tel: 0044 (0)207 604 5531

Address: 140 Maida Vale, London W9 1QB