Weekly Webinars
The deputy director of academic affairs of the Islamic Centre of England in line with its programmes and activities has held several webinars. The Details of theses webinars are as follows:
The Main Topics:
- Weekly webinars on Quranic lifestyle in Arabic
- Weekly webinars on Islam and contemporary Issues in English
- Weekly Webinars on Quranic Lifestyle in English
- Weekly webinars on parenting
The Goals of the Webinars:
- Promoting the principles and foundations of Islam
- Promoting Islamic lifestyle and cultural education
- Empowering and promoting the competencies of the Muslim community
Table of Contents:
A) Weekly webinar on Quranic lifestyle in Arabic
Due to the fact that the Holy Quran is the book of life and is a charter for the happy life of human beings, thematic interpretation sessions of the Holy Quran are on the agenda of the Deputy director of academic affairs of the Islamic Centre on a weekly basis. The topics of these meetings have been chosen to address the needs and priorities of the Muslim community.
This webinar is held every week for one hour on Mondays at 14:00 in Arabic and teaches the Quranic lifestyle and Islamic culture by interpreting different Quranic chapters.
B) Weekly webinar on Islam and contemporary Issues in English
This webinar is held every week for one hour on Mondays at 18:00 in English and deals with various topics of the contemporary issues from the Islamic point of view.
In this series of webinars, different thinkers discuss various topics.
C) Weekly Webinar on Quranic Lifestyle in English
Due to the fact that the Holy Quran is the book of life and is a charter for the happy life of human beings, thematic interpretation sessions of the Holy Quran are on the agenda of the Deputy director of academic affairs of the Islamic Centre on a weekly basis. The topics of these meetings have been chosen to address the needs and priorities of the Muslim community.
This webinar is held every week for one hour on Thursdays at 18:00 in English and deals with various topics in the lifestyle of the Muslim community according to the Qur’an.
In this series of webinars, various thinkers discuss various topics from the Qur’an.
D) Weekly Webinar on Parenting in English
One of the main concerns of Muslim families in the West has always been proper education based on Islamic principles.
Basically, parenting is one of the important and basic duties of parents that is not comparable to other duties and missions of parents.
But the important point here is that parents need training and empowerment to perform this important task.
Parents need to be aware and empowered to do this important thing by being aware of the principles and foundations of the Qur’an and hadith in the field of parenting, as well as being aware of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) manners in raising their children.
For this purpose, the Deputy director of academic affairs of the Islamic Centre organizes this series of educational webinars in the field of raising children in English on Saturdays for one hour every week from 18:00.
In this series of webinars, various thinkers discuss various topics from the Qur’an and Islamic hadiths.
Protocol of Weekly webinars on Islam and Contemporary issues
This protocol governs the webinar series of the Islamic Centre of England.
This protocols consists of two sections. In the Section A, general guidelines and principles governing the webinars are provided; while the Section B provides brief information about each of the webinars in this series. Section B is supposed to be completed by the respected presenters. By completing that section, presenters confirm that they are and will be in line with this protocol prior, during, and after their presentation.
- General protocol:
A.1. Aims:
- Addressing the Islamic points of view on contemporary issues and Quranic Lifestyle
- Responding to the doubts and debates about contemporary issues and Islam and Quranic Lifestyle
- Reviewing the trends of contemporary issues and the Islamic points of view on those issues
- Futuring the contemporary issues based on Islamic viewpoints
A.2. Target groups:
- Muslim scholars, academics, and students
- Non-Muslim scholars, academics, and students
- Writers, and researchers interested in the areas of Islamic issues
A.3. Structure of the webinars:
- Each webinar lasts for one hour
- 40-45 minutes is given to the presenter to talk about the subject
- 15-20 minutes is given to the audiences to ask their questions
- Webinars will be conducted in a weekly basis
A.4. Reimbursement of the presenters:
- We know that the amount of knowledge and expertise that our presenters will put into these webinars cannot be measured by the financial measures, but just as a little compensation of their valuable time, £50 net payment is the basic amount payable for each webinar
A.5. Promotion plan:
The webinars will be promoted by the means below:
- Islamic Centre of England’s social networks
- Poster
- Video clip and podcast
- Islamic centre of England’s yearly programmes book
A.6. Products:
Further to advancing the knowledge and improving the attitude of the attendees of the webinars, the webinars will feed into the products below:
- A book including the transcribed texts of the conducted webinars
- A series of videos published on the social networks, e.g. YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
- A series of podcasts published on the podcast platforms
- A number of micro-learning material (short video content) which can be published on different social networks
A.7. Timing:
These webinars will be conducted in a weekly basis.
The webinars will be conducted after the working hours, at 6:00 p.m. in order to facilitate attendees’ attendance in the webinars
A.8. Attendance procedure:
There is no charge for people who would like to attend these webinars. But an online pre-registration is needed.
A.9. Strategies:
We expect all the respected presenters of this webinar series to make sure that their proposed title, syllabus, and presentation totally comply with the strategies and guidelines below:
- Webinar subjects should be narrowed down and specific in order to be addressable in a short webinar
- Webinars should be in line with the Islamic Centre of England’s reservations. A list of these reservations will be separately given to the presenters.
- Webinars should address the priorities under the remit of the general subject (Islam and Contemporary issues & Quranic Lifestyle)
- Webinars should be based on the academic and scholar evidences and not based on the general and public opinions
- Webinars should follow a critical and reflective perspective and not just a descriptive perspective
- In addressing each issue, both arguments and counter-arguments should be fairly addressed from different perspectives
- A number of resources should be suggested to the audiences around the topic of each webinar, enabling them to follow up with that topic after the webinar if they are interested.
- An academic and judgement-free outline of the subject should be provided in each webinar. That would be the remit of the audiences to listen to the arguments and counter-arguments coming from different perspectives; and then, choose the finest one. As Holy Quran mentions:
الَّذِينَ يَسْتَمِعُونَ الْقَوْلَ فَيَتَّبِعُونَ أَحْسَنَهُ أُولَئِكَ الَّذِينَ هَدَاهُمُ اللَّهُ وَأُولَئِكَ هُمْ أُولُو الْأَلْبَابِ
Who listen to the Words and follow what is finest of it. These are they whom Allah has guided. They are those of understanding. (۱۸)
A.10. Copyright:
The copyright of the contents generated through these webinars belongs to the Islamic Centre of England.