HomeIslam in nutshellEthics12. Thankfulness 12. Thankfulness “Pondering on the words of Allah” / Verse: 26 « لَئِنْ شَكَرْتُمْ لَأَزِيدَنَّكُمْ (سورة الابراهیم – الآیه 7) » If you give thanks, I shall give you greater (favours). Interpretation by HIWM Syed Ali Raza Rizvi Donations You can pay to support our programmes, Khums, Zakat, Sadaqa or Kaffara here. CATEGORIESIslam in nutshellEthicsPondering on the words of AllahIslamic Worldshia RELATED ARTICLES HIWM Sheikh Hamzeh Sheikhtabar 00:44:30 Holding the 138th Session of the Weekly Webinar on the Quranic Lifestyle- By Sheikh Hamzeh Sheikhtabar- Thursday 09/03/2023 aranji - March 6, 2023 HIWM Sheikh Javad Esmaeili 00:49:26 Holding the 137th Session of the Weekly Webinar on the Quranic Lifestyle- By Sheikh Javad Esmaeili- Thursday 02/03/2023 aranji - February 27, 2023 HIWM Dr Saeid Sobhani 00:49:26 Holding the 136th Session of the Weekly Webinar on the Quranic Lifestyle- By Dr Saeid Sobhani- Thursday 16/02/2023 aranji - February 13, 2023 HIWM Sheikh Hamzeh Sheikhtabar 00:57:43 Holding the 133rd Session of Weekly Webinar on Quranic Lifestyle- By Sheikh Hamzeh Sheikhtabar- Thursday 26/01/2023 aranji - January 23, 2023 Dr Mohammad Sobhanie 00:49:50 Holding the 132nd Session of Weekly Webinar on Quranic Lifestyle- By Dr Mohammad Sobhanie- Thursday 19/01/2023 aranji - January 16, 2023 HIWM Sheikh Javad Esmaeili 00:34:47 Holding the 131st Session of Weekly Webinar on Quranic Lifestyle- By Sheikh Javad Esmaeili- Thursday 12/01/2023 aranji - January 6, 2023 HIWM Dr Saeid Sobhani 00:54:11 Holding the130th Session of Weekly Webinar on Quranic Lifestyle- By Dr Saeid Sobhani- Thursday 05/01/2023 aranji - December 22, 2022 Academic 00:05:21 28- The words of Imam Ali (as): A small action which is continued with regularity is more beneficial aranji - March 23, 2022