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The Unyielding Courage of Sayyida Zainab in Yazid’s Court

Following the tragedy of Karbala, where Imam Husayn (peace be upon him) and his companions were brutally martyred, the surviving members of his family were taken as captives. They were paraded through the streets of Kufa and Damascus, their dignity seemingly stripped by Yazid’s forces. Yet, Sayyida Zainab (peace be upon her), the sister of Imam Husayn, stood unbowed. Her words in Yazid’s court became a timeless proclamation of truth and justice.

When the captives were presented in Yazid’s court, the tyrant sat surrounded by his allies, arrogantly mocking the Ahlulbayt. Yazid recited poetry boasting of his supposed triumph, implying that the events of Karbala were a victory for his family and a defeat for the Prophet’s household.

Sayyida Zainab rose, her voice steady and filled with righteous indignation, cutting through the smugness of the oppressor. She began by praising Allah and asserting the eternal truth:

“All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, who has blessed His Prophet and purified us from all uncleanness. The victory belongs to the believers, and the losers are those who have wronged and oppressed.”

Turning her gaze to Yazid, she rebuked him directly:

“O Yazid, do you think that by surrounding yourself with worldly wealth and power, you have triumphed over us? Do you believe that we have been dishonoured and you have been elevated? By Allah, your perception is false. You have disgraced yourself by shedding the blood of the Prophet’s family and desecrating the sanctity of Islam.”

She reminded him of the ephemeral nature of his power:

“By Allah, you will never obliterate our memory, nor will you destroy our message. This blood you have shed will only awaken the people to the truth, and your name will forever be associated with injustice and tyranny.”

With unparalleled eloquence, she invoked divine accountability:

“O Yazid, prepare your answer to Allah. The day when the oppressed will be avenged, and those who wronged them will face divine justice, is near. Do you think that your rule will last forever? By Allah, your days are numbered, and the truth will prevail.”

She contrasted Yazid’s temporary worldly power with the eternal glory of Imam Husayn’s sacrifice:

“We are the household of the Prophet, the source of divine mercy and the message of Allah. Killing us will not bring you honour. It will only bring eternal shame upon you and your followers.”

Her words resonated with those present, leaving Yazid and his court in stunned silence. The jeering crowds who had once mocked the captives began to understand the gravity of Yazid’s actions. Sayyida Zainab turned what was meant to be a spectacle of humiliation into a moment of profound truth and resistance.

Her sermon was not just a defence of her family but a declaration that tyranny, no matter how powerful, can never silence the voice of justice. Sayyida Zainab’s courage ensured that the tragedy of Karbala would ignite hearts and inspire resistance against oppression for generations to come.


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