The man seemed very happy. He thought he had done a great job and that his master would also be pleased with his action, showing him affection and encouragement. However, not only was he not praised, but he was severely reprimanded.
Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (as) had a servant named “Masarif.” He gave him one thousand dinars and instructed him, “With this money, buy some goods and take them with the merchants of the city to Egypt, and there, sell them.” Masarif followed the instructions, joined the other merchants, and set off toward Egypt.
As they approached Egypt, they saw a caravan coming out of the city. They described their goods to the caravan members and asked about the market situation and the prices of those goods in Egypt. The caravan members said, “These goods have been scarce in Egypt for some time, and people are in great need of them.”
Upon learning this, the merchants took an oath and made a pact to sell their goods at twice the purchase price. With this agreement, they entered the city, and since people were in great need of these goods, they sold them quickly at the announced prices. They were all happy with the substantial profit they had made so easily and returned to Medina.
Masarif, with a bright face and a smile, came to Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (as) and presented two bags, each containing one thousand dinars, to him. He proudly said, “Here, this is the original capital, and this is the profit.”
The Imam said, “That is quite a large profit. How did you manage to make a profit equal to the original capital?”
Masarif explained the severe need of the people and the agreement with his fellow merchants to sell at twice the purchase price. Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (as), deeply disturbed by the inhumane and unjust behaviour, said, “SubhanAllah (Glory be to God)! How strange! You swore among yourselves to take double the profit from a group of Muslims in such a transaction?” He then took one of the bags and said, “This is my original capital, and we have no need for such profit.”
Then he added: یا مصارف، مجالدة السیوف اهون من طلب الحلال “O Masarif, ‘Fighting with swords is easier than earning lawful sustenance.’[1]
[1] . Bihar Al Anwar, V.11, P121.