Holding the 71st session of weekly webinar on Parenting
In an era where so many of people are working or studying from home and have more flexible timetables, Islamic Centre of England is holding few live interactive discussions in different speaker and topics such as weekly webinar on Parenting.
The weekly webinar on Parenting is held live every Saturday at 6:00 p.m. on virtual networks such as Zoom, YouTube and Facebook.
The 71st session of this webinar, which was held on Saturday, 11th June 2022, at 18:00, dedicated its topic to the following subject:
“How to give Parental Support?”
In this meeting, which was addressed by HIWM Dr Syed Abbas Naqvi, he spoke for 45 minutes on the subject of the meeting.
Dr Syed Abbas Naqvi has M.D from Tehran university of Medical sciences, in Iran on 1998 and M.B; B.S from Karachi university Pakistan in 1990.
He also studied Religious Studies such as Moqaddamat and Satehiyaat upto Dars Kharij in Houza Elmiah Tehran for 10 years.
HIWM Syed Naqvi has been Resident Aalim of Madressa Imam Al-Asr Education and Community Centre for 12 years since September 2005 and Resident Aalim of MKSI Leicester Jamaat for 3 years between 2002 to 2005.
He delivers lectures in English and Urdu Majalis in UK and worldwide.
Dr Naqvi has good experience in interfaith dialogue and work experience for 17 years.
He is Founder, Chairman and trustee Humanity International Charitable Trust, Trustee of Maybury Centre Trust Woking, Chairman and Trustee Surrey Muslim Association and Director & Trustee Muslim Community of Essex.
He is also Finance Secretary and Head of Imamiyyah Council of Majlis e Ulama e Shia Europe.
He speaks Persian, English, Urdu / Punjabi / Seraeki / Gujrati and Arabic fluently.
Dr Naqvi is Author/ Compiler Majlis Qaidah for Children, adults, and Author/Compiler 7 Books on Aqaid, Fiqh, Akhlaq and History for children.
In this interactive webinar, the host of program, Mr. Seyed Jaffar Moosavi Payandeh, at different intervals asked the questions raised by the participants in the meeting and the speaker of the program also answered.
The session, which lasted 60 minutes, ended at 19:00.
Weekly Webinar on Parenting
🎤 Talk by HIWM Dr Syed Abbas Naqvi
📌 Topic On: “How to give Parental Support?“
🗓️ Saturday 11th June 2022
⏰ Time: 6:00 p.m.
🌎 Watch Live on:
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85301658127?pwd=bW54Vk9TZmdKV1BEVzZOdVJFREhodz09