Holding the 61stsession of weekly webinar on Islam and contemporary issues
In an era where so many of people are working or studying from home and have more flexible timetables, Islamic Centre of England is holding few live interactive discussions in different speakers and topics such as weekly webinar on Islam and contemporary issues.
The weekly webinar on Islam and contemporary issues is held live every Monday at 6 p.m. on virtual networks such as Zoom, YouTube and Facebook.
The 61st session of this webinar, which was held on Monday, 27th December, 2021, dedicated its topic to the following subject:
“Woman in Islam-Part 2”
In this meeting, which was addressed by HIWM Sheikh Meisam Ghasemi, he spoke for 40 minutes on the subject of the meeting.
Sheikh Meisam Ghasemi has studied in the seminary of Qom for 15 years.
He has been the director of Tawheed Newcastle Islamic Centre for 5 years from 2016 to 2021 and currently he is running Liverpool Islamic Centre.
He also has the experience of Tabligh (preaching) overseas in Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, South Africa & Trinidad and Tobago.
He has also participated in International conferences in Austria and Turkey.
Sheikh Ghasemi has M.A. in Teaching Islamic Sciences from University of Baqir al-Ulum, Qom by the tendency of Islamic Ethics.
He is a Ph.D. Student in Islamic Studies.
He also has the experience of teaching at the Jami’at al-Zahra University & Seminary [for Women] – International Division, Qom and Al-Mustafa International University in field of “Islamic Practical Laws” and “Verdicts of Islamic Scholars”.
He was an Instructor in Manchester Islamic Centre in field of Arabic Morphology & Islamic Jurisprudence from 2014 to 2016.
He also has experience in researching and translating scientific and specialized articles from Persian to English, and some of them have been published.
He is fluent in Farsi, English, Spanish and he also speaks Arabic and Turkish.
At the second part of the meeting in the Q&A section, the meeting’s moderator, HIWM Seyed Amin Shamaei ask the questions raised by the participants in the meeting and the speaker answered them.
The session, which lasted 50 minutes, ended at 6:50 p.m.
Weekly Webinar on Islam & Contemporary Issues
Talk by HIWM Sheikh Meisam Ghasemi
Topic: “Woman in Islam-Part 2 “
Monday 27th December 2021
Time: 6:00 p.m.
🌎 Live on
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81952480901?pwd=RlpaN245NERWS1RTMDR6MVIxbC80UT09